
Fission of Lead Projectiles in $Pb$-Nucleus Collisions at the SPS

Fission of Pb projectiles is at present investigated by the NA50 experiment at CERN SPS. After the initial studies (1996 data taking) that led to the observation of fission in Pb-Pb interactions at 158 AGeV, data have been taken on different target nuclei in 1998, both at 40 and 158 AGeV. The analys...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Abreu, M C, Alessandro, B, Alexa, C, Arnaldi, R, Astruc, J, Ataian, M R, Baglin, C, Baldit, A, Bedjidian, Marc, Bellaiche, F G, Beolè, S, Boldea, V, Bordalo, P, Bussière, A, Capelli, L, Capony, V, Casagrande, L, Castor, J I, Chambon, T, Chaurand, B, Chevrot, I, Cheynis, B, Chiavassa, E, Cicalò, C, Comets, M P, Constans, N, Constantinescu, S, Cortese, P, Cruz, J, De Falco, A, De Marco, N, Dellacasa, G, Devaux, A, Dita, S, Drapier, O, Ducroux, L, Espagnon, B, Fargeix, J, Ferretti, A, Filippov, S N, Fleuret, F, Force, P, Gallio, M, Gavrilov, Yu K, Gerschel, C, Giubellino, P, Golubeva, M B, Gonin, M, Grigorian, A A, Grossiord, J Y, Guber, F F, Guichard, A, Gulkanian, H R, Hakobyan, R S, Haroutunian, R, Idzik, M, Jouan, D, Karavitcheva, T L, Kluberg, L, Kurepin, A B, Le Bornec, Y, Lourenço, C, Macciotta, P, MacCormick, M, Marzari-Chiesa, A, Masera, M, Masoni, A, Mehrabyan, S S, Monteno, M, Mourgues, S, Musso, A, Ohlsson-Malek, F, Oppedisano, C, Petiau, P, Piccotti, A, Pizzi, J R, Prado da Silva, W L, Puddu, G, Quintans, C, Racca, C, Ramello, L, Ramos, S, Rato-Mendes, P, Riccati, L, Romana, A, Ropotar, I, Saturnini, P, Scalas, E, Scomparin, E, Serci, S, Shahoyan, R, Silva, S, Sitta, M, Soave, C, Sonderegger, P, Tarrago, X, Topilskaya, N S, Usai, G L, Vercellin, Ermanno, Villatte, L, Willis, N
Publicado: 1999
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