
$\beta$ - decay asymmetry in mirror nuclei: A = 9

Investigations of light nuclei close to the drip lines have revealed new and intriguing features of the nuclear structure. The occurrence of halo structures in loosely bound systems has had a great impact on nuclear physics research in the last years. Intriguing, but not yet solved, is the nature of...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Tengblad, O, Axelsson, L, Bergmann, U C, García-Borge, M J, Fraile-Prieto, L M, Fynbo, H O U, Hornshøj, P, Jading, Y, Jonson, B, Nilsson, T, Nyman, G H, Markenroth, K G, Martel, I, Mukha, I, Riisager, K, Wenander, F, Wilhelmsen-Rolander, K
Publicado: 1999
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