
$J/\psi$ suppression in Pb-Pb collisions at CERN SPS

The NA38 and NA50 experiments at the CERN SPS have measured charmonium production in different colliding systems with the aim of observing a phase transition from ordinary hadronic matter towards a state in which quarks and gluons are deconfined (Quark Gluon Plasma, QGP). In fact it was predicted th...

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Autores principales: Prino, Francesco, Abreu, M.C., Alessandro, B., Alexa, C., Arnaldi, R., Ataian, M., Baglin, C., Baldit, A., Bedjidian, M., Beole, S., Boldea, V., Bordalo, P., Bussiere, A., Capelli, L., Casagrande, L., Castor, J., Chambon, T., Chaurand, B., Chevrot, I., Cheynis, B., Chiavassa, E., Cicalo, C., Claudino, T., Comets, M.P., Constans, N., Constantinescu, S., De Marco, N., De Falco, A., Dellacasa, G., Devaux, A., Dita, S., Drapier, O., Ducroux, L., Espagnon, B., Fargeix, J., Force, P., Gallio, M., Gavrilov, Y.K., Gerschel, C., Giubellino, P., Golubeva, M.B., Gonin, M., Grigorian, A.A., Grossiord, J.Y., Guber, F.F., Guichard, A., Gulkanian, H., Hakobian, R., Haroutunian, R., Idzik, M., Jouan, D., Karavitcheva, T.L., Kluberg, L., Kurepin, A.B., Le Bornec, Y., Lourenco, C., Macciotta, P., MacCormick, M., Marzari-Chiesa, A., Masera, M., Masoni, A., Mehrabian, S., Monteno, M., Musso, A., Petiau, P., Piccotti, A., Pizzi, J.R., Puddu, G., Quintans, C., Ramos, S., Ramello, L., Rato Mendes, P., Riccati, L., Romana, A., Ropotar, I., Saturnini, P., Scomparin, E., Serci, S., Shahoian, R., Silva, S., Sitta, M., Soave, C., Sonderegger, P., Tarrago, X., Topilskaya, N.S., Usai, G.L., Vercellin, E., Villatte, L., Willis, N.
Publicado: 2001
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