
Inclusive production of $\rho^{0}(770), f_0(980)$ and $f_2(1270)$ mesons in $\nu_{\mu}$ charged current interactions

The inclusive production of the meson resonances $\rho^{0}(770)$, $f_0(980)$ and $f_2(1270)$ in neutrino-nucleus charged current interactions has been studied with the NOMAD detector exposed to the wide band neutrino beam generated by 450 GeV protons at the CERN SPS. For the first time the $f_{0}(98...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Astier, P, Autiero, D, Baldisseri, A, Baldo-Ceolin, M, Banner, M, Bassompierre, G, Benslama, K, Besson, N, Bird, I, Blumenfeld, B, Bobisut, F, Bouchez, J, Boyd, S, Bueno, A, Bunyatov, S, Camilleri, L, Cardini, A, Cattaneo, P.W, Cavasinni, V, Cervera-Villanueva, A, Collazuol, G, Conforto, G, Conta, C, Contalbrigo, M, Cousins, R, Daniels, D, Degaudenzi, H, Del Prete, T, De Santo, A, Dignan, T, Di Lella, L, do Couto e Silva, E, Dumarchez, J, Ellis, M, Fazio, T, Feldman, G.J, Ferrari, R, Ferrère, D, Flaminio, V, Fraternali, M, Gaillard, J.-M, Gangler, E, Geiser, A, Geppert, D, Gibin, D, Gninenko, S, Godley, A, Gomez-Cadenas, J.-J, Gosset, J, Gößling, C, Gouanère, M, Grant, A, Graziani, G, Guglielmi, A, Hagner, C, Hernando, J, Hubbard, D, Hurst, P, Hyett, N, Iacopini, E, Joseph, C, Juget, F, Kirsanov, M, Klimov, O, Kokkonen, J, Kovzelev, A, Krasnoperov, A, Kuznetsov, V, Lacaprara, S, Lachaud, C, Lakić, B, Lanza, A, LaRotonda, L, Laveder, M, Letessier-Selvon, A, Levy, J.-M, Linssen, L, Ljubičić, A, Long, J, Lupi, A, Marchionni, A, Martelli, F, Méchain, X, Mendiburu, J.-P, Meyer, J.-P, Mezzetto, M, Mishra, S.R, Moorhead, G.F, Naumov, D, Nédélec, P, Nefedov, Yu, Nguyen-Mau, C, Orestano, D, Pastore, F, Peak, L.S, Pennacchio, E, Pessard, H, Petti, R, Placci, A, Polesello, G, Pollmann, D, Polyarush, A, Popov, B, Poulsen, C, Rathouit, P, Rico, J, Roda, C, Rubbia, A, Salvatore, F, Schahmaneche, K, Schmidt, B, Sevior, M, Sillou, D, Soler, F.J.P, Sozzi, G, Steele, D, Stiegler, U, Stipčević, M, Stolarczyk, Th, Tareb-Reyes, M, Taylor, G.N, Tereshchenko, V, Toropin, A, Touchard, A.-M, Tovey, S.N, Tran, M.-T, Tsesmelis, E, Ulrichs, J, Vacavant, L, Valdata-Nappi, M, Valuev, V, Vannucci, F, Varvell, K.E, Veltri, M, Vercesi, V, Vidal-Sitjes, G, Vieira, J.-M, Vinogradova, T, Weber, F.V, Weisse, T, Wilson, F.F, Winton, L.J, Yabsley, B.D, Zaccone, H, Zuber, K, Zuccon, P
Publicado: 2001
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