
Response of a resistive plate chamber to particles leaking laterally from a thick absorber

Resistive plate chamber detectors, working in streamer mode, have been chosen to equip the ALICE/LHC dimuon trigger. In ALICE, the detector will be placed orthogonal to a thick beam shield. Tests of the detector have been performed in order to investigate its performances in such running conditions....

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Arnaldi, R, Baldit, A, Barret, V, Bastid, N, Blanchard, G, Chiavassa, E, Cortese, P, Crochet, Philippe, Dellacasa, G, De Marco, N, Dupieux, P, Espagnon, B, Fargeix, J, Ferretti, A, Gallio, M, Lamoine, L, Luquin, Lionel, Manso, F, Métivier, V, Musso, A, Oppedisano, C, Piccotti, A, Rahmani, A, Roig, O, Royer, L, Scalas, E, Scomparin, E, Vercellin, Ermanno
Publicado: 2000
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