
Report on the Working Group set up to Study the Requirements for Operating the SPS within the INB Framework (INBOPS)

The convention signed with the French authorities for the LHC defines a new Installation Nucléaire de Base (INB). The LHC machine tunnel, the experiments, some buildings which cover access shafts to the machine and the SPS with its extraction lines up to the targets are all inside the new perimeter....

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Ball, A, Billen, R, Charavay, R, Elsener, K, Faugier, A, Jacot, C, Jirdén, L, Menzel, Hans Gregor, Pajunen, J, Poole, John, Roy, G, Silari, Marco, Spinks, Alan, Tsesmelis, E, Wahl, H
Publicado: 2001
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