
The NA52 strangelet search

The NA52 experiment searches for long-lived charged strangelets in 158 a GeV $c^{-1}$ Pb+Pb collisions at CERN SPS. The experiment is able to identify single particles coming from the collisions at $p_{t}$=0. We collected $10^{13}$ Pb+Pb interactions looking for negatively charged strangelets and $3...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Weber, M, Arsenescu, R, Baglin, C, Beck, H P, Borer, K, Bussière, A, Elsener, K, Gorodetzky, P, Guillaud, J P, Kabana, S, Klingenberg, R, Lehmann, G, Lindén, T, Lohmann, K D, Mommsen, R K, Moser, U, Pretzl, Klaus P, Schacher, J, Spiwoks, R, Tuominiemi, Jorma
Publicado: 2001
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