
The onset of the anomalous J/$\psi$ suppression in Pb-Pb collisions at the CERN SPS

The $J/\psi$ suppression observed by the NA50 experiment is one of the most striking signatures for quark gluon plasma formation in Pb-Pb collisions at 158 AGeV. The $J/\psi$ production has been studied as a function of the centrality of the collision estimated via the forward energy EZDC released i...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Arnaldi, R., Abreu, M.C., Alessandro, B., Alexa, C., Atayan, M., Baglin, C., Baldit, A., Bedjidian, M., Beole, S., Boldea, V., Bordalo, P., Borenstein, S.R., Borges, G., Bussiere, A., Capelli, L., Castor, J., Castanier, C., Chaurand, B., Cheynis, B., Chiavassa, E., Cicalo, C., Claudino, T., Comets, M.P., Constans, N., Constantinescu, S., Cortese, P., Cruz, J., De Marco, N., De Falco, A., Dellacasa, G., Devaux, A., Dita, S., Drapier, O., Espagnon, B., Fargeix, J., Force, P., Gallio, M., Gavrilov, Y.K., Gerschel, C., Giubellino, P., Golubeva, M.B., Gonin, M., Grigorian, A.A., Grigorian, S., Grossiord, J.Y., Guber, F.F., Guichard, A., Gulkanyan, H., Hakobyan, R., Haroutunian, R., Idzik, M., Jouan, D., Karavitcheva, T.L., Kluberg, L., Kurepin, A.B., Bornec, Y.Le, Lourenco, C., Macciotta, P., MacCormick, M., Marzari-Chiesa, A., Masera, M., Masoni, A., Monteno, M., Musso, A., Petiau, P., Piccotti, A., Pizzi, J.R., Prado da Silva, W., Prino, F., Puddu, G., Quintans, C., Ramos, S., Ramello, L., Rato Mendes, P., Riccati, L., Romana, A., Santos, H., Saturnini, P., Scalas, E., Scomparin, E., Serci, S., Shahoyan, R., Sigaudo, F., Silva, S., Sitta, M., Sonderegger, P., Tarrago, X., Topilskaya, N.S., Usai, G.L., Vercellin, E., Villatte, L., Willis, N.
Publicado: 2001
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