
Inclusive $\pi^0$ and $K^0_S$ Production in Two-Photon Collisions at LEP

The reactions $e^+e^- \to e^+e^-\pi^0$ X and $e^+e^- \to e^+e^-K^0_S$ X are studied using data collected at LEP with the L3 detector at centre-of-mass energies between 189 and 202 GeV. Inclusive differential cross sections are measured as a function of the particle transverse momentum pt and the pse...

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Autores principales: Achard, P., Adriani, O., Aguilar-Benitez, M., Alcaraz, J., Alemanni, G., Allaby, J., Aloisio, A., Alviggi, M.G., Anderhub, H., Andreev, Valery P., Anselmo, F., Arefev, A., Azemoon, T., Aziz, T., Baarmand, M., Bagnaia, P., Bajo, A., Baksay, G., Baksay, L., Baldew, S.V., Banerjee, S., Banerjee, Sw., Barczyk, A., Barillere, R., Bartalini, P., Basile, M., Batalova, N., Battiston, R., Bay, A., Becattini, F., Becker, U., Behner, F., Bellucci, L., Berbeco, R., Berdugo, J., Berges, P., Bertucci, B., Betev, B.L., Biasini, M., Biglietti, M., Biland, A., Blaising, J.J., Blyth, S.C., Bobbink, G.J., Bohm, A., Boldizsar, L., Borgia, B., Bottai, S., Bourilkov, D., Bourquin, M., Braccini, S., Branson, J.G., Brochu, F., Buijs, A., Burger, J.D., Burger, W.J., Cai, X.D., Capell, M., Cara Romeo, G., Carlino, G., Cartacci, A., Casaus, J., Cavallari, F., Cavallo, N., Cecchi, C., Cerrada, M., Chamizo, M., Chang, Y.H., Chemarin, M., Chen, A., Chen, G., Chen, G.M., Chen, H.F., Chen, H.S., Chiefari, G., Cifarelli, L., Cindolo, F., Clare, I., Clare, R., Coignet, G., Colino, N., Costantini, S., de la Cruz, B., Cucciarelli, S., van Dalen, J.A., de Asmundis, R., Deglon, P., Debreczeni, J., Degre, A., Deiters, K., della Volpe, D., Delmeire, E., Denes, P., DeNotaristefani, F., De Salvo, A., Diemoz, M., Dierckxsens, M., van Dierendonck, D., Dionisi, C., Dittmar, M., Doria, A., Dova, M.T., Duchesneau, D., Duinker, P., Echenard, B., Eline, A., El Mamouni, H., Engler, A., Eppling, F.J., Ewers, A., Extermann, P., Falagan, M.A., Falciano, S., Favara, A., Fay, J., Fedin, O., Felcini, M., Ferguson, T., Fesefeldt, H., Fiandrini, E., Field, J.H., Filthaut, F., Fisher, P.H., Fisher, W., Fisk, I., Forconi, G., Freudenreich, K., Furetta, C., Galaktionov, Iouri, Ganguli, S.N., Garcia-Abia, Pablo, Gataullin, M., Gentile, S., Giagu, S., Gong, Z.F., Grenier, Gerald Jean, Grimm, O., Gruenewald, M.W., Guida, M., van Gulik, R., Gupta, V.K., Gurtu, A., Gutay, L.J., Haas, D., Hatzifotiadou, D., Hebbeker, T., Herve, Alain, Hirschfelder, J., Hofer, H., Holzner, G., Hou, S.R., Hu, Y., Jin, B.N., Jones, Lawrence W., de Jong, P., Josa-Mutuberria, I., Kafer, D., Kaur, M., Kienzle-Focacci, M.N., Kim, J.K., Kirkby, Jasper, Kittel, W., Klimentov, A., Konig, A.C., Kopal, M., Koutsenko, V., Kraber, M., Kraemer, R.W., Krenz, W., Kruger, A., Kunin, A., Ladron de Guevara, P., Laktineh, I., Landi, G., Lebeau, M., Lebedev, A., Lebrun, P., Lecomte, P., Lecoq, P., Le Coultre, P., Lee, H.J., Le Goff, J.M., Leiste, R., Levtchenko, P., Li, C., Likhoded, S., Lin, C.H., Lin, W.T., Linde, F.L., Lista, L., Liu, Z.A., Lohmann, W., Longo, E., Lu, Y.S., Lubelsmeyer, K., Luci, C., Luminari, L., Lustermann, W., Ma, W.G., Malgeri, L., Malinin, A., Mana, C., Mangeol, D., Mans, J., Martin, J.P., Marzano, F., Mazumdar, K., McNeil, R.R., Mele, S., Merola, L., Meschini, M., Metzger, W.J., Mihul, A., Milcent, H., Mirabelli, G., Mnich, J., Mohanty, G.B., Muanza, G.S., Muijs, A.J.M., Musicar, B., Musy, M., Nagy, S., Napolitano, M., Nessi-Tedaldi, F., Newman, H., Niessen, T., Nisati, A., Kluge, Hannelies, Ofierzynski, R., Organtini, G., Palomares, C., Pandoulas, D., Paolucci, P., Paramatti, R., Passaleva, G., Patricelli, S., Paul, Thomas Cantzon, Pauluzzi, M., Paus, C., Pauss, F., Pedace, M., Pensotti, S., Perret-Gallix, D., Petersen, B., Piccolo, D., Pierella, F., Pioppi, M., Piroue, P.A., Pistolesi, E., Plyaskin, V., Pohl, M., Pojidaev, V., Pothier, J., Prokofev, D.O., Prokofiev, D., Quartieri, J., Rahal-Callot, G., Rahaman, M.A., Raics, P., Raja, N., Ramelli, R., Rancoita, P.G., Ranieri, R., Raspereza, A., Razis, P., Ren, D., Rescigno, M., Reucroft, S., Riemann, S., Riles, Keith, Roe, B.P., Romero, L., Rosca, A., Rosier-Lees, S., Roth, Stefan, Rosenbleck, C., Roux, B., Rubio, J.A., Ruggiero, G., Rykaczewski, H., Sakharov, A., Saremi, S., Sarkar, S., Salicio, J., Sanchez, E., Sanders, M.P., Schafer, C., Schegelsky, V., Schmidt-Kaerst, S., Schmitz, D., Schopper, H., Schotanus, D.J., Schwering, G., Sciacca, C., Servoli, L., Shevchenko, S., Shivarov, N., Shoutko, V., Shumilov, E., Shvorob, A., Siedenburg, T., Son, D., Spillantini, P., Steuer, M., Stickland, D.P., Stoyanov, B., Straessner, A., Sudhakar, K., Sultanov, G., Sun, L.Z., Sushkov, S., Suter, H., Swain, J.D., Szillasi, Z., Tang, X.W., Tarjan, P., Tauscher, L., Taylor, L., Tellili, B., Teyssier, D., Timmermans, Charles, Ting, Samuel C.C., Ting, S.M., Tonwar, S.C., Toth, J., Tully, C., Tung, K.L., Ulbricht, J., Valente, E., Van de Walle, R.T., Veszpremi, V., Vesztergombi, G., Vetlitsky, I., Vicinanza, D., Viertel, G., Villa, S., Vivargent, M., Vlachos, S., Vodopianov, I., Vogel, H., Vogt, H., Vorobev, I., Vorobyov, A.A., Wadhwa, M., Wallraff, W., Wang, X.L., Wang, Z.M., Weber, M., Wienemann, P., Wilkens, H., Wynhoff, S., Xia, L., Xu, Z.Z., Yamamoto, J., Yang, B.Z., Yang, C.G., Yang, H.J., Yang, M., Yeh, S.C., Zalite, An., Zalite, Yu., Zhang, Z.P., Zhao, J., Zhu, G.Y., Zhu, R.Y., Zhuang, H.L., Zichichi, A., Zilizi, G., 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Publicado: 2001
Acceso en línea:
Sumario:The reactions $e^+e^- \to e^+e^-\pi^0$ X and $e^+e^- \to e^+e^-K^0_S$ X are studied using data collected at LEP with the L3 detector at centre-of-mass energies between 189 and 202 GeV. Inclusive differential cross sections are measured as a function of the particle transverse momentum pt and the pseudo-rapidity. For $p_t \le 1.5$ GeV, the $\pi^0$ and $K^0_s$ differential cross sections are described by an exponential, typical of soft hadronic processes. For $p_t \ge 1.5$ GeV, the cross sections show the presence of perturbative QCD processes, described by a power-law. The data are compared to Monte Carlo predictions and to NLO QCD calculations. \end{document}