
A Cryogenic High-Reynolds Turbulence Experiment at CERN

The potential of cryogenic helium flows for studying high-Reynolds number turbulence in the laboratory has been recognised for a long time and implemented in several small-scale hydrodynamic experiments. With its large superconducting particle accelerators and detector magnets, CERN, the European La...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Bézaguet, Alain-Arthur, Dauvergne, J P, Knoops, S, Lebrun, P, Pezzetti, M, Pirotte, O, Bret, J L, Chabaud, B, Garde, G, Guttin, C, Hébral, B, Pietropinto, S, Roche, P, Barbier-Neyret, J P, Baudet, C, Gagne, Y, Poulain, C, Castaing, B, Ladam, Y, Vittoz, F
Publicado: 2001
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