Sumario:This note presents a combination of published and preliminary electroweak results from the four LEP collaborations and the SLD collaboration which were prepared for the 2001 summer conferences. Averages from Z resonance results are derived for hadronic and leptonic cross sections, the leptonic forward-backward asymmetries, the tau polarisation asymmetries, the b-bbar and c-cbar partial widths and forward-backward asymmetries and the q-qbar charge asymmetry. Above the Z resonance, averages are derived for di-fermion cross sections and forward-backward asymmetries, W-pair, Z-pair and single-W production cross section, electroweak gauge boson couplings, W mass and width and W decay branching ratios. For the first time, total and differential cross sections for di-photon production are combined. The main changes with respect to the experimental results presented in summer 2000 are updates to the Z-pole heavy flavour results from SLD and LEP and to the W mass from LEP. The results are compared with precise electroweak measurements from other experiments. Using a new evaluation of the hadronic vacuum polarisation, the parameters of the Standard Model are evaluated, first using the combined LEP electroweak measurements, and then using the full set of electroweak results.