
Production and detection of cold antihydrogen atoms

A theoretical underpinning of the standard model of fundamental particles and interactions is CPT invariance, which requires that the laws of physics be invariant under the combined discrete operations of charge conjugation, parity and time reversal. Antimatter, the existence of which was predicted...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Amoretti, M, Amsler, Claude, Bonomi, G, Bouchta, A, Bowe, P, Carraro, C, Cesar, C L, Charlton, M, Collier, M, Doser, Michael, Filippini, V, Fine, K S, Fontana, A, Fujiwara, M C, Funakoshi, R, Genova, P, Hangst, J S, Hayano, R S, Holzscheiter, M H, Jørgensen, L V, Lagomarsino, V, Landua, Rolf, Lindelöf, D, Lodi Rizzini, E, Macri, M, Madsen, N, Manuzio, G, Marchesotti, M, Montagna, P, Pruys, H S, Regenfus, C, Riedler, P, Rochet, J, Rotondi, A, Rouleau, G, Testera, G, Van der Werf, D P, Variola, A, Watson, T L
Publicado: 2002
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