
Production and qualification of 40 km of Al-stabilized NbTi cable for the ATLAS experiment at CERN

The production of the conductor for the superconducting toroids of the ATLAS experiment at LHC (CERN) is now in progress. The toroid system, composed of one barrel toroid (BT) and two end cap toroids (ECTs), exploits aluminum-clad Rutherford-type NbTi conductors of large size (57 * 12 mm for BT, 42...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Baccaglioni, G, Blau, Bertrand, Cartegni, G C, Horváth, I L, Neuenschwander, J, Pedrini, D, Rossi, L, Volpini, G
Publicado: 2002
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