
Beam test results of the US-CMS forward pixel detector

CMS will use silicon pixel as its innermost tracking device. Prototypes of these 150 mum square pixels bump bonded to DMILL readout chips were tested at CERN in a pion beam. A silicon telescope consisting of 8 planes of silicon strips was used to interpolate tracks to the position of the pixel detec...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Atac, Muzaffer, Bartz, E, Bölla, G, Bortoletto, Daniela, Chien, CY, Cremaldi, L M, Doroshenko, J, Giolo, K, Gobbi, B, Gómez, P, Grim, G, Koeth, T W, Kozhevnikov, Yu, Lander, R, Malik, S
Publicado: 2002
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