
Charmonia and Drell-Yan production in proton-nucleus collisions at the CERN SPS

Charmonium production in p-A collisions is a unique tool for the study of the interaction of bound ccbar in nuclear matter. It can provide details on the basic features of the resonance formation mechanism and, in particular, on its non-perturbative aspects. In this Letter, we present an experimenta...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Alessandro, B, Alexa, C, Arnaldi, R, Atayan, M, Baglin, C, Beolè, S, Boldea, V, Bordalo, P, Borenstein, S R, Borges, G, Bussière, A, Capelli, L, Castanier, C, Castor, J I, Chaurand, B, Cheynis, B, Chiavassa, E, Cicalò, C, Claudino, T, Comets, M P, Constans, N, Constantinescu, S, Cortese, P, Cruz, J, De Falco, A, De Marco, N, Dellacasa, G, Devaux, A, Dita, S, Drapier, O, Ducroux, L, Espagnon, B, Fargeix, J, Force, P, Gallio, M, Gavrilov, Yu K, Gerschel, C, Giubellino, P, Golubeva, M B, Gonin, M, Grigorian, A A, Grigorian, S, Grossiord, J Y, Guber, F F, Guichard, A, Gulkanian, H R, Hakobyan, R S, Idzik, M, Jouan, D, Karavitcheva, T L, Kluberg, L, Kurepin, A B, Le Bornec, Y, Lourenço, C, Macciotta, P, MacCormick, M, Marzari-Chiesa, A, Masera, M, Masoni, A, Monteno, M, Musso, A, Petiau, P, Piccotti, A, Pizzi, J R, Prado da Silva, W L, Prino, F, Puddu, G, Quintans, C, Ramello, L, Ramos, S, Rato-Mendes, P, Riccati, L, Romana, A, Santos, H, Saturnini, P, Scalas, E, Scomparin, E, Serci, S, Shahoyan, R, Sigaudo, F, Sitta, M, Sonderegger, P, Tarrago, X, Topilskaya, N S, Usai, G L, Vercellin, Ermanno, Villatte, L, Willis, N
Publicado: 2002
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