
Performance of the ATLAS Electromagnetic Calorimeter End-cap Module 0

The construction and beam test results of the ATLAS electromagnetic end-cap calorimeter pre-production module 0 are presented. The stochastic term of the energy resolution is between 10% GeV^1/2 and 12.5% GeV^1/2 over the full pseudorapidity range. Position and angular resolutions are found to be in...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Aubert, Bernard, Abouelouafa, M, Alexa, C, Astesan, F, Augé, E, Aulchenko, V M, Ballansat, J, Barreiro, F, Barrillon, P, Battistoni, G, Bazan, A, Beaugiraud, B, Beck-Hansen, J, Belhorma, B, Belorgey, J, Belymam, A, Ben-Mansour, A, Benchekroun, D, Benchouk, C, Bernard, R, Bertoli, W, Boniface, J, Bonivento, W, Bourdarios, C, Bremer, J, Breton, D, Bán, J, Camard, A, Canton, B, Carminati, L, Cartiglia, N, Chalifour, M, Chekhtman, A, Chen, H, Cherkaoui, R, Chevalley, J L, Chollet, F, Citterio, M, Clark, A, Cleland, W, Clément, C, Colas, Jacques, Collot, J, Costa, G, Cros, P, Cunitz, H, Del Peso, J, Delebecque, P, Delmastro, M, Di Ciaccio, Lucia, Dinkespiler, B, Djama, F, Dodd, J, Driouichi, C, Dumont-Dayot, N, Duval, P Y, Efthymiopoulos, I, Egdemir, J, El-Kacimi, M, El-Mouahhidi, Y, Engelmann, R, Ernwein, J, Falleau, I, Fanti, M, Farrell, J, Fassnacht, P, Ferrari, A, Fichet, S, Fournier, D, Gallin-Martel, M L, Gara, A, García, G, Gaumer, O, Ghazlane, H, Ghez, P, Gianotti, F, Girard, C, Gordon, H, Gouanère, M, Guilhem, G, Hackenburg, B, Hakimi, M, Hassani, S, Henry-Coüannier, F, Hervás, L, Hinz, L, Hoffman, A, Hoffman, J, Hostachy, J Y, Hoummada, A, Hubaut, F, Idrissi, A, Imbault, D, Jacquier, Y, Jevaud, M, Jérémie, A, Jézéquel, S, Kambara, H, Karst, P, Kazanin, V, Kierstead, J A, Kolachev, G M, Kordas, K, de La Taille, C, Labarga, L, Lacour, D, Lafaye, R, Laforge, B, Lanni, F, Le Coroller, A, Le Dortz, O, Le Maner, C, Le Van-Suu, A, Le Flour, T, Leite, M, Leltchouk, M, Lesueur, J, Lissauer, D, Lund-Jensen, B, Lundqvist, J M, Ma, H, Macé, G, Makowiecki, D S, Malsyshev, V, Mandelli, L, Mansoulié, B, Marin, C P, Martin, D, Martin, L, Martin, O, Martin, P, Maslennikov, A L, Massol, N, Mazzanti, M, McCarthy, R, McDonald, J, Megner, L, Merkel, B, Mirea, A, Moneta, L, Monnier, E, Moynot, M, Nagy, E, Negroni, S, Neukermans, L, Nicod, D, Nikolic-Audit, I, Noppe, J M, Ohlsson-Malek, F, Olivier, C, Orsini, F, Pailler, P, Parrour, G, Parsons, J A, Pearce, M, Perrodo, P, Perrot, G, Poggioli, Luc, Pospelov, G E, Pralavorio, Pascal, Prast, J, Przysiezniak, H, Puzo, P, Pétroff, P, Radeka, V, Rahm, David Charles, Rajagopalan, S, Raymond, M, Renardy, J F, Repetti, B, Rescia, S, Riccadona, X, Richer, J P, Rijssenbeek, M, Rodier, S, Rossel, F, Rousseau, D, Rydström, S, Saboumazrag, S, Sauvage, D, Sauvage, G, Schilly, P, Schwemling, P, Schwindling, J, Seguin-Moreau, N, Seidl, W, Seman, M, Serin, L, Shousharo, A, Simion, S, Sippach, W, Snopkov, R, Steffens, J, Stroynowski, R, Stumer, I, Taguet, J P, Takai, H, Talyshev, A A, Tartarelli, F, Teiger, J, Thion, J, Tikhonov, Yu A, Tisserant, S, Tocut, V, Tóth, J, Veillet, J J, Vossebeld, Joost Herman, Vuillemin, V, Wielers, M, Willis, W J, Wingerter-Seez, I, Ye, J, Yip, K, Zerwas, D, Zitoun, R, Zolnierowski, Y
Publicado: 2002
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