
Strangeness from 20-A-GeV to 158-A-GeV

New results from the energy scan programme of NA49, in particular kaon production at 30 AGeV and phi production at 40 and 80 AGeV are presented. The K+/pi+ ratio shows a pronounced maximum at 30 AGeV; the kaon slope parameters are constant at SPS energies. Both findings support the scenario of a pha...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Friese, Volker, Alt, C., Anticic, T., Baatar, B., Barna, D., Bartke, J., Behler, M., Betev, L., Białkowska, H., Billmeier, A., Blume, C., Boimska, B., Botje, M., Bracinik, J., Bramm, R., Brun, R., Bunčić, P., Cerny, V., Christakoglou, P., Chvala, O., Cramer, J.G., Csató, P., Dinkelaker, P., Eckardt, V., Filip, P., Fischer, H.G., Fodor, Z., Foka, P., Freund, P., Friese, V., Gál, J., Gaździcki, M., Georgopoulos, G., Gładysz, E., Hegyi, S., Höhne, C., Kadija, K., Karev, A., Kniege, S., Kolesnikov, V.I., Kollegger, T., Korus, R., Kowalski, M., Kraus, I., Kreps, M., van Leeuwen, M., Lévai, P., Malakhov, A.I., Markert, C., Mayes, B.W., Melkumov, G.L., Meurer, C., Mischke, A., Mitrovski, M., Molnár, J., Mrówczyński, St, Pálla, G., Panagiotou, A.D., Perl, K., Petridis, A., Pikna, M., Pinsky, L., Pühlhofer, F., Reid, J.G., Renfordt, R., Retyk, W., Roland, C., Roland, G., Rybczyński, M., Rybicki, A., Sandoval, A., Sann, H., Schmitz, N., Seyboth, P., Siklér, F., Sitar, B., Skrzypczak, E., Stefanek, G., Stock, R., Ströbele, H., Susa, T., Szentpétery, I., Sziklai, J., Trainor, T.A., Varga, D., Vassiliou, M., Veres, G.I., Vesztergombi, G., Vranić, D., Wenig, S., Wetzler, A., Włodarczyk, Z., Yoo, I.K., Zaranek, J., Zimányi, J.
Publicado: 2003
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