
Irradiation of ATLAS SCT Modules and Detectors in 2002

This note reports on the irradiation of ATLAS Semiconductor Tracker (SCT) modules and detectors carried out at the ATLAS irradiation facility at the CERN PS T7 area during the year 2002. In total, 15 modules were irradiated, 9 K5 forward modules (which includes 2 K5.1 forward modules), 6 barrel modu...

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Autores principales: Dervan, P J, Andricek, L, Buttar, C M, Carter, J, Gallop, B, Grigson, C, Grosse-Knetter, J, Pater, J R, Rosenbaum, F, Shimma, S, Wallny, R, Weidberg, T
Publicado: 2002
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