
Progress Report of the Engineering Data Management System Task Force

An Engineering Data Management System (EDMS) is a collection of tools and rules, which enables, as a minimum, a body of vetted information to be built up in a safe place and be easily accessible to the users. The Task Force worked through 1995 - to elucidate CERN's needs for an EDMS in the cons...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Faber, G, Flegel, W, Hervé, A, Hauviller, Claude, Klempt, W, Kuipers, J, Loos, R, Nicquevert, B, Onnela, A, Price, M, Rollinger, G, Witzeling, W, Hameri, A P, Mottier, M, Nikkola, J, Pettersson, Thomas Sven, Schinzel, Josi, Tarrant, M, Vuoskoski, J, Farthouat, Philippe, Palazzi, P, Rousseau, B, Ferran, M, Høimyr, Nils-Joar, De Jonghe, J, Strubin, Pierre M, Oliger, S
Publicado: 1996
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