
Beam Tests of the Second Prototype of a Cherenkov Counter for the ALICE T0 Detector

<HTML> <HEAD> <h2>Abstract</h2> </HEAD> <P> <BODY> <P> The second prototype of a Cherenkov counter consisting of a quartz radiator (cylinder 26 mm in diameter, 30 mm long) and a PMT Hamamatsu R3432-01 has been tested in a 1.28 GeV/c pion beam. A consta...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Kaplin, V A, Karakash, A I, Loginov, V A, Rakhmanov, A L, Kurepin, A B, Maevskaya, A I, Rasin, V I, Reshetin, A I, Akindinov, A V, Martemyanov, A N, Sheinkman, V A, Smirnitsky, A V, Grigoriev, V A
Publicado: 2000
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