
Charged Particle Veto Detector for the PHOS Spectrometer

The general design of the Charged Particle Veto (CPV) detector for the photon spectrometer (PHOS) of the ALICE experiment along with beam test results of the CPV prototype in 1998 are presented.

Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Bogolyubsky, M Yu, Di Mauro, A, Erine, S V, Gregory, C, Hahn, F, Haider, S, Ippolitov, M S, Kharlov, Yu V, Klovning, A, Maeland, O A, Martinengo, P, Minaev, N G, Odland, O H, Piuz, François, Rongved, R, Skaali, B, Sadovsky, S A, Samoylenko, V D, Sibiriak, Yu, Suzdalev, V I, Tikhonov, V V, Volkov, M, Van Beelen, J, Williams, D, Zviagine, A, Blick, M A
Publicado: 1999
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