
The facility to control the production of shashlik type electromagnetic calorimeter

An extensive test technique has been elaborated by ITEP/IHEP/UNIPLAST group to build electromagnetic calorimeter for HERA-B experiment at DESY and to control its performance. Considered is how to modify the test procedure in view of electromagnetic calorimeter development for LHCb experiment at CERN

Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Barsuk, S, Belikov, S V, Denisov, A, Golutvin, A, Kochetkov, V, Mayatski, V, Novikov, E, Rusinov, D, Rusinov, V Yu, Semenov, V, Soldatov, A, Shuvalov, S M, Tarkovski, E, Zharkov, V
Publicado: 2000
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