
The hadron calorimeter prototype design and construction

This paper describes the design concept of the LHCb Hadron Calorimeter Prototype and it's construction experience. In total 6 modules with different internal structure have been assembled and tested on the X7 SPS beam-line during last three years. Various optics components, PMT's and digit...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Bonnet, M, Schopper, A, Coca, C, Dumitru, D, Giolu, G, Magureanu, C, Petrescu, R, Popescu, S, Ajinenko, I, Dorokhov, A E, Dzhelyadin, R I, Konoplyannikov, A K, Matveev, V, Novikov, V, Soldatov, M, Tchernov, E, Carboni, G, Ranyuk, Y
Publicado: 2000
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