
Characteristics of 16 Beetle1.1 chips on a VELO hybrid

This note presents the results of beam-test measurements performed with a prototype VELO hybrid equipped with 16 Beetle1.1 chips. A 300 µm thick PR02-R p-on-n detector is used as sensor. The front-end settings of the chip were tuned to meet the LHCb vertex detector requirements. The pulse shape that...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Klous, S, Van Bakel, N, Baumeister, D, Van Beuzekom, M G, Bulten, H J, Jans, E, Ketel, T, Löchner, S, Mos, S, Snoek, H, Trunk, U, Verkooijen, H, De Vries, H, Zupan, M
Publicado: 2004
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