
Effect of neutron and gamma-ray irradiation on the transmittance power of glasses and glues

LHC, working at the expected nominal luminosity, will induce an extremely high irradiation in the CMS experiment. The CMS alignment system uses optical elements to build the laser beams paths. Optical properties of basic components such as glasses and glues may result affected and their transmission...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Beigveder, J M, Arce, P, Barcala, JM, Calvo, E, Fernández, M G, Ferrando, A, Figueroa, C F, Fuentes, J, Genova, I, Josa-Mutuberria, I, Molinero, A, Oller, J C, Pérez, G, Rodrigo, T, Ruiz, J A
Publicado: 2002
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