
Control in the ATLAS TDAQ System

TDAQ system requires a comprehensive and flexible control system. Its role ranges from the so-called run-control, e.g. starting and stopping the data taking, to error handling and fault tolerance. It also includes initialization and verification of the overall system. Following the traditional appro...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Liko, D, Burckhart-Chromek, Doris, Flammer, J, Dobson, M, Jones, R, Mapelli, L, Alexandrov, I, Korobov, S, Kotov, V, Mineev, M, Amorim, A, Fiuza de Barros, N, Klose, D, Pedro, L, Badescu, E, Caprini, M, Kolos, S, Kazarov, A, Ryabov, Yu, Soloviev, I
Publicado: CERN 2004
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