
MDT Commissioning Procedures Guidelines for Certifying RFI Chambers

Aim of the document is the definition of a common set of guidelines and test procedures for commissioning the MDT chambers. Commissioning is different for Barrel and Endcap chambers. The former will be tested at a single chamber level before going to the ATLAS pit, ready for the last quick test befo...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Beretta, M, Bobbink, G, Branchini, P, Kourkoumelis, C, Dubbert, J, Gazis, E N, Hertenberger, R, Hurst, P, Kojine, A, Lanza, A, Marin, A, Mockett, P, Petridou, C, Tskhadadze, E G, Valente, P, Wotschack, J, Xie, Y, Zhao, Z
Publicado: 2004
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