
DIRAC: The Distributed MC Production and Analysis for LHCb

DIRAC is the LHCb distributed computing grid infrastructure for MC production and analysis. Its architecture is based on a set of distributed collaborating services. The service decomposition broadly follows the CERN/ARDA-RTAG proposal, which can eventually make possible the interchange of the EGEE/...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Bernet, R, Blouw, J, Brook, N, Charpentier, P, Closier, J, Egede, U, Frank, M, Gandelman, M, Garonne, V, Graciani-Díaz, R, Korolko, I, Kuznetsov, G, Patrick, G, Pickford, A, Romanovski, V G, Saborido-Silva, J J, Sánchez-García, M, Saroka, A, Stokes-Rees, I, Tobin, M, Tsaregorodtsev, A Yu, Vagnoni, V, Witek, M
Publicado: 2004
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