
The final design of the ATLAS Trigger/DAQ Readout-Buffer Input (ROBIN) Device

The ATLAS readout subsystem (ROS) is the main interface between 1600 detector front-end readout links (ROL) and the high level (HLT) trigger farms. Its core device, the readout-buffer input (ROBIN), accepts event data on 3 readout links (ROLs) with a maximum rate of 100 kHz and a bandwidth of up to...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Kugel, A, Männer, R, Müller, M, Yu, M, Krause, E, Gorini, B, Joos, M, Petersen, J, Stancu, S, Green, B, Misiejuk, A, Kieft, G, Van Wasen, J
Publicado: CERN 2004
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