
7th Workshop on What Comes Beyond the Standard Models

1. Predictions for Four Generations of Quarks Suggested by the Approach Unifying Spins and Charges (M. Breskvar, J. Mravlje, N.Mankoc Borstnik), 2. No-scale Supergravity and the Multiple Point Principle (C.Froggatt, L.Laperashvili, R.Nevzorov, H.B.Nielsen), 3. The Two-Higgs Doublet Model and the Mul...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Borstnik, Norma Mankoc, Nielsen, Holger Bech, Froggatt, Colin D, Lukman, Dragan
Publicado: DMFA-Zaloznistvo 2004
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