
Irradiation tests of ROHM 0.35um ASIC and Actel Anti-fuse FPGA for the ATLAS Muon Endcap Level-1 Trigger System

In order to implement a level-1 trigger logic in an efficient manner from timing and space consumption point of view, application specific IC chips (ASIC) as well as FPGA ones are vitally used in the ATLAS muon end-cap level-1 trigger system. Various subsidiary logics are implemented in FPGAs while...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Ichimiya, R, Tsuji, S, Arai, Y, Ikeno, M, Sasaki, O, Ohshita, H, Takada, N, Hane, Y, Hasuko, K, Nomoto, H, Sakamoto, H, Shibuya, K, Takemoto, T, Fukunaga, C, Toshima, K, Sakuma, T
Publicado: CERN 2004
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