
Pulseshape characteristics of a 300 $\mu$m PR03 R-measuring VELO sensor read out with a Beetle1.3 chip

The signal-to-noise, overspill and undershoot characteristics of a VELO module equipped with Beetle1.3 read-out chips have been measured using 120 GeV pions from the SPS test beam facility at CERN. The module consists of a PR03 n-on-n 300 $\mu$m R measuring prototype sensor and a fully populated K03...

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Autores principales: Palacios, A, Bates, A, Buytaert, J, Borel, J, Collins, P, Eckstein, D, Eklund, L, Ferro-Luzzi, M, Jans, E, Ketel, T, Petrie, D, Pivk, M, Tobin, M
Publicado: 2005
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