
Operation of the multigap resistive plate chamber using a gas mixture free of flammable components

We have investigated the operation of the multigap resistive plate chamber (MRPC) for the ALICE-TOF system with a gas mixture free of flammable components. Two different gas mixtures, with and without iso-C//4H//1//0 have been used to measure the performance of the MRPC. The efficiency, time resolut...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Akindinov, A, Alici, A, Antonioli, P, Arcelli, S, Basile, M, Cara Romeo, G, Cifarelli, Luisa, Cindolo, F, De Caro, A, De Pasquale, S, Di Bartolomeo, A, Fusco-Girard, M, Golovine, V, Guida, M, Hatzifotiadou, D, Kaidalov, A B, Kim, D H, Kim, D W, Kisselev, S M, Laurenti, G, Lee, K, Lee, S C, Lioublev, E, Luvisetto, M L, Margotti, A, Martemyanov, A N, Nania, R, Noferini, F, Otiougova, P, Pesci, A, Pinazza, O, Polozov, P A, Scapparone, E, Scioli, G, Sellitto, S B, Semeria, F, Smirnitsky, A V, Tchoumakov, M M, Usenko, E, Valenti, G, Voloshin, K G, Williams, M C S, Zagreev, B V, Zampolli, C, Zichichi, A
Publicado: 2004
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