
Test and performances of the RPC trigger chambers of the ATLAS experiment at LHC

RPCs will be used as trigger detectors in the barrel region of the Muon Spectrometer of the ATLAS experiment at LHC. The total number of RPC units to be installed is 1088, covering a total surface of about 3500m**2. ATLAS RPCs work in avalanche mode with C//2H//2F //4/C//4H //1//0/SF//6 (94.7%/5%/0....

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Aielli, G, Alviggi, M G, Ammosov, A, Biglietti, M, Brambilla, Elena, Camarri, P, Canale, V, Caprio, M A, Cardarelli, R, Carlino, G, Cataldi, G, Chiodini, G, Di Simone, A, Di Ciaccio, A, Della Volpe, D, De Asmundis, R, Della Pietra, M, Grancagnolo, F, Gorini, E, Iengo, P, Liberti, B, Patricelli, S, Perrino, R, Primavera, M, Santonico, R, Sehkniadze, G, Spagnolo, S, Sviridov, Yu, Zaetz, V G
Publicado: 2004
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