
Fast online track finding for the muon trigger in the UA1 experiment

A microprocessor system will be used to trigger on high energetic muons in the UA1 experiment. The system consists of MC 68000 microprocessors. Six of them work in parallel for a first online track finding and one as supervisor to take the final trigger decision. To reduce the input rate for the mic...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Eggert, K, Ehlert, Th, Engster, Claude, Erhard, P, Faissner, Helmut, Giboni, K L, Haidan, R, Hansl-Kozanecka, Traudl, Hertzberger, L O, Hoffmann, D, Holthuizen, D J, Lehmann, H, Leuchs, R, Muraki, Y, Radermacher, E, Reithler, H, Tscheslog, E, Van Koningsveld, L, Verweij, H
Publicado: CERN 1981
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