
Inclusive $P^{0}$ production in pp collisions at the CERN ISR

The inclusive production of rho /sup 0/ mesons in pp collisions has been measured at five c.m. energies from square root s=23.6 to 63.0 Ge V. The cross sections and the production spectra as a function of transverse momentum and rapidity are discussed. (17 refs).

Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Albrow, M G, Almehed, S, Bøggild, H, Booth, P S L, Carroll, L J, Catz, P, Dahl-Jensen, Erik, Dahl-Jensen, I, Damgaard, G, de Bouard, X, Elverhaug, N, Hansen, K H, Jackson, J N, Jancso, G, Jarlskog, G, Jensen, H B, Jönsson, L B, Klovning, A, Lillethun, E, Lörstad, B, Lu, A, McCubbin, N A, Melin, A, Miettinen, H, Møller, R, Nielsen, B S, Nielsen, S O, Petersen, J O, Skard, J A J, Villeneuve, P, von Dardel, Guy F
Publicado: 1979
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