
Precision determination of the strong interaction shifts and widths of the 1s level in pionic $^{6}$Li, $^{7}$Li, and $^{9}$Be

The strong-interaction shifts of the 1s level in pionic /sup 6/Li, /sup 7/Li, and /sup 9/Be have been determined with an accuracy of better than 1%. The corresponding widths were determined with an accuracy of better than 6%. Significant deviations from the theory are observed as far as the absolute...

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Autores principales: Backenstoss, Gerhard, Bergström, I, Egger, J, Hagelberg, R, Herrlander, C J, Koch, H, Povel, H P, Price, R H, Schwitter, A, Tauscher, L
Publicado: 1973
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