
Correlations associated with small angle protons produced in proton- proton collisions at 31 GeV total energy

High energy inelastic protons with x=2 p/sub L//s/sup 1/2/>0.99 observed in 15.3/15.3 GeV proton-proton collisions at the CERN ISR are accompanied by particles whose angular distribution is confined to a narrow cone in the opposite direction. In contrast, lower energy protons (0.72<x<0.84)...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Albrow, M G, Bagchus, A, Barber, D P, Bogaerts, A, Bosnjakovic, B, Brooks, J R, Clegg, A B, Erné, F C, Gee, C N P, Locke, D H, Loebinger, F K, Murphy, P G, Rudge, A, Sens, Johannes C
Publicado: 1973
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