
Construction, assembly and tests of the ATLAS electromagnetic barrel calorimeter

The construction and assembly of the two half barrels of the ATLAS central electromagnetic calorimeter and their insertion into the barrel cryostat are described. The results of the qualification tests of the calorimeter before installation in the LHC ATLAS pit are given.

Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Aubert, B, Beaugiraud, B, Colas, Jacques, Delebecque, P, Di Ciaccio, L, El-Kacimi, M, Ghez, P, Girard, C, Gouanère, M, Goujdami, D, Jérémie, A, Jézéquel, S, Lafaye, R, Massol, N, Perrodo, P, Przysiezniak, H, Sauvage, G, Thion, J, Wingerter-Seez, I, Zitoun, R, Zolnierowski, Y, Alforque, R, Chen, H, Farrell, J, Gordon, H, Grandinetti, R, Hackenburg, R W, Hoffmann, A, Kierstead, J A, Köhler, J, Lanni, F, Lissauer, D, Ma, H, Makowiecki, D S, Müller, T, Norton, S, Radeka, V, Rahm, David Charles, Rehak, M, Rajagopalan, S, Rescia, S, Sexton, K, Sondericker, J, Stumer, I, Takai, H, Belymam, A, Benchekroun, D, Driouichi, C, Hoummada, A, Hakimi, M, Knee, Michael, Stroynowski, R, Wakeland, B, Datskov, V I, Drobin, V, Aleksa, Martin, Bremer, J, Carli, T, Chalifour, M, Chevalley, J L, Djama, F, Ema, L, Fabre, C, Fassnacht, P, Gianotti, F, Gonidec, A, Hansen, J B, Hervás, L, Hott, T, Lacaste, C, Marin, C P, Pailler, P, Pleskatch, A, Sauvagey, D, Vandoni, Giovanna, Vuillemin, V, Wilkens, H, Albrand, S, Belhorma, B, Collot, J, de Saintignon, P, Dzahini, D, Ferrari, A, Fulachier, J, Gallin-Martel, M L, Hostachy, J Y, Laborie, G, Ledroit-Guillon, F, Martin, P, Muraz, J F, Ohlsson-Malek, F, Saboumazrag, S, Viret, S, Othegraven, R, Zeitnitz, C, Banfi, D, Carminati, L, Cavalli, D, Citterio, M, Costa, G, Delmastro, M, Fanti, M, Mandelli, L, Mazzanti, M, Tartarelli, F, Augé, E, Baffioni, S, Bonis, J, Bonivento, W, Bourdarios, C, de La Taille, C, Fayard, L, Fournier, D, Guilhem, G, Imbert, P, Iconomidou-Fayard, L, Le Meur, G, Mencik, M, Noppe, J M, Parrour, G, Puzo, P, Rousseau, D, Schaffer, A C, Seguin-Moreau, N, Serin, L, Unal, G, Veillet, J J, Wicek, F, Zerwas, D, Astesan, F, Bertoli, W, Canton, B, Fleuret, F, Imbault, D, Lacour, D, Laforge, B, Schwemling, P, Abouelouafa, M, Ben-Mansour, A, Cherkaoui, R, El-Mouahhidi, Y, Ghazlane, H, Idrissi, A, Bazizi, K, England, D, Glebov, V, Haelen, T, Lobkowicz, F, Slattery, P F, Belorgey, J, Besson, N, Boonekamp, M, Durand, D, Ernwein, J, Mansoulié, B, Molinie, F, Meyer, J P, Perrin, P, Schwindling, J, Taguet, J P, Zaccone, Henri, Lund-Jensen, B, Rydström, S, Tayalati, Y, Botchev, B, Finocchiaro, G, Hoffman, J, McCarthy, R L, Rijssenbeek, M, Steffens, J, Zdrazil, M, Braun, H M
Publicado: 2005
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