
Bunched beam test of the CMS drift tubes local muon trigger

The 40 MHz bunched muon beam set up at CERN was used in May 2003 to make a full test of the drift tubes local muon trigger. The main goal of the test was to prove that the integration of the various devices located on a muon chamber was adequately done both on the hardware and software side of the s...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Arce, P, Bellato, M, Benettoni, M, Benvenuti, A C, Bonacorsi, D, Bontenackels, M, Caballero, J, Cafaro, V, Capiluppi, P, Castellani, L, Cavallo, F R, Cerrada, M, Checchia, P, Colino, N, Conti, E, Corvo, M, de la Cruz, B, Dal Corso, F, Dallavalle, G M, De Giorgi, M, Fabbri, F, Fanfani, A, Fernández, C, Fernández de Troconiz, J, Fouz-Iglesias, M C, García-Abia, P, Gasparini, F, Gasparini, U, Giacomelli, P, Giordano, V, Gonella, F, Grandi, C, Guiducci, L, Gulmini, M, Hebbeker, T, Hernández, J M, Höpfner, K, Josa-Mutuberria, I, Lacaprara, S, Lippi, I, Mameghani, R, Marcellini, S, Maron, G, Martinelli, R, Maselli, S, Masetti, G, Meneguzzo, Anna Teresa, Meng, G, Monaco, V, Montanari, A, Montecassiano, F, Navarria, Francesco Luigi, Odorici, F, Passaseo, M, Pegoraro, M, Peroni, C, Perrotta, A, Ponte-Sancho, A J, Puerta, J, Reithler, H, Romero, A, Romero, L, Ronchese, P, Rossi, A, Rovelli, T, Sacchi, R, Staiano, A, Toniolo, N, Torassa, E, Torromeo, G, Travaglini, R, Vanini, S, Ventura, L, Ventura, Sandro, Villanueva, C, Willmott, C, Zanetti, M, Zangrando, L, Zotto, P L, Zumerle, G
Publicado: 2004
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