
Test Station for the CARIOCA FE-chip of the LHCb Muon Detector

This document describes the hardware and the software of a Front-End Electronics Test Station developed to test and characterize the Front-End ASIC for the LHCb Muon chambers. This ASIC, an 8-channel amplifier, shaper and discriminator with baseline restoration, processes read-out signals gener...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Bediaga, Ignacio, Cernichiaro, G, de Andrade Filho, L M, Machado, A A, Magnin, Javier, Marujo, F, De Miranda, Jussara, Nóbrega, Rafael, Polycarpo, Erica, dos Reis, Alberto, Schmidt, Burkhard
Publicado: CERN 2005
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