
Studies with the ATLAS Trigger and Data Acquisition "Pre-Series'' Setup

The pre-series test bed is used to validate the technology and implementation choices by comparing the final ATLAS readout requirements, to the results of performance, functionality and stability studies. We show that all the components which are not running reconstruction algorithms match the final...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Ünel, G, Abolins, M, Adragna, P, Alexandrov, I, Amorim, A, Armstrong, S, Badescu, E, Baines, J T M, Barros, N, Beck, H P, Bee, C, Blair, R, Bogaerts, J A C, Bold, T, Bosman, M, Burckhart-Chromek, Doris, Caprini, M, Caramarcu, C, Ciobotaru, M, Comune, G, Corso-Radu, A, Cranfield, R, Crone, G, Dawson, J, Della Pietra, M, Di Mattia, A, Dobson, M, Dos Anjos, A, Dotti, A, Drake, G, Ellis, Nick, Ermoline, Y, Ertorer, E, Falciano, S, Ferrari, R, Ferrer, M L, Francis, D, Gadomski, S, Gameiro, S, Garcia-Murillo, R, Garitaonandia, H, Gaudio, G, George, S, Gesualdi-Mello, A, Gorini, B, Green, B, Haas, S, Haberichter, W N, Hadavand, H, Haeberli, C, Haller, J, Hansen, J, Hauser, R, Hillier, S J, Hughes-Jones, R E, Höcker, A, Joos, M, Kazarov, A, Kieft, G, Klous, S, Kohno, T, Kolos, S, Korcyl, K, Kordas, K, Kotov, V, Kugel, A, Landon, M, Lankford, A, Le Vine, M J, Leahu, L, Leahu, M, Lehmann-Miotto, G, Liu, W, Maeno, T, Mapelli, L, Martin, B, Masik, J, McLaren, R, Meessen, C, Meirosu, C, Mineev, M, Misiejuk, A, Morettini, P, Mornacchi, G, Männer, R, Müller, M, Nagasaka, Y, Negri, A, Padilla, C, Pasqualucci, E, Pauly, T, Perera, V, Petersen, J, Pope, B, Pretzl, K, Prigent, D, Roda, C, Ryabov, Yu, Salvatore, D, Schiavi, C, Schlereth, J L, Scholtes, I, Seixas, M, Sloper, J, Sole-Segura, E, Soloviev, I, Spiwoks, R, Stamen, R, Stancu, S, Strong, J, Sushkov, S, Szymocha, T, Tapprogge, S, Teixeira-Dias, P, Torres, R, Touchard, F, Tremblet, L, Vandelli, W, Vermeulen, J C, Wengler, T, Werner, P, Wheeler, S, Wickens, F, Wiedenmann, W, Wiesmann, M, Yu, M, Zema, F, Zobernig, H, De Albuquerqu Portes, M
Publicado: 2006
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