
Search for Standard Model Higgs Boson via Vector Boson Fusion in the $H \to W^{+}W^{-} \to l^{\ pm} \nu jj$ with $120 \lt m_{H} \lt 250 GeV/c^ {2}$

The feasibility of discovering the Standard Model Higgs boson is investigated via Vector Boson Fusion in rm H to W^ + W^ - to rm ell nu jj channel. A comprehensive strategy of Higgs mass (rm m_H) reconstruction is developed using detector jets, lepton and missing transverse energy (rm E_T^miss). At...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Pi, Haifeng, Avery, Paul, Rohlf, James, Tully, Christopher, Kunori, Shuichi
Publicado: 2006
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