
LHC Superconducting Dipole Production Follow-up: Results of Audit on QA Aspects in Industry

The manufacturing of the 1232 Superconducting Main Dipoles for LHC is under way at three European Contractors: Alstom-Jeumont (Consortium), Ansaldo Superconduttori Genova and Babcock Noell Nuclear. The manufacturing is proceeding in a very satisfactory way and in March 2005 the mid production was ac...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Modena, M, Bajko, M, Cornelis, M, Fessia, P, Liénard, P, Miles, J, de Rijk, G, Savary, F, Sgobba, Stefano, Tommasini, D, Vlogaert, J, Völlinger, C, Wildner, E
Publicado: 2006
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