
Fast photon detection for the COMPASS RICH detector

The COMPASS experiment at the SPS accelerator at CERN uses a large scale Ring Imaging CHerenkov detector (RICH) to identify pions, kaons and protons in a wide momentum range. For the data taking in 2006, the COMPASS RICH has been upgraded in the central photon detection area (25% of the surface) wit...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Abbon, P., Alekseev, M., Angerer, H., Apollonio, M., Birsa, R., Bordalo, P., Bradamante, F., Bressan, A., Busso, L., Chiosso, M., Ciliberti, P., Colantoni, M.L., Costa, S., Dalla Torred, S., Dafni, T., Delagnes, E., Deschamps, H., Diaz, V., Dibiase, N., Duic, V., Eyrich, W., Faso, D., Ferrero, A., Finger, M., Finger, M., Jr., Fischer, H., Gerassimov, S., Giorgi, M., Gobbo, B., Hagemann, R., von Harrach, D., Heinsius, F.H., Joosten, R., Ketzer, B., Konigsmann, Kay, Kolosov, V.N., Konorov, I., Kramer, D., Kunnne, F., Magnon, A., Mann, A., Martin, A., Menon, G., Mutter, A., Nahle, O., Nerling, F., Neyret, D., Pagano, P., Panebianco, S., Panzier, D., Paul, S., Pesaro, G., Polak, J., Rebourgeard, P., Robinet, F., Rocco, E., Schiavon, P., Schill, C., Schroder, W., Silva, L., Slunecka, M., Sozzi, F., Steiger, L., Sulc, M., Svec, M., Tessarotto, F., Teufel, A., Wollny, H.
Publicado: 2006
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