
Using the CMS High Level Trigger as a Cloud Resource

The CMS High Level Trigger is a compute farm of more than 10,000 cores. During data taking this resource is heavily used and is an integral part of the experiment's triggering system. However, outside of data taking periods this resource is largely unused. We describe why CMS wants to use the H...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Colling, David, Huffman, Adam, McCrae, Alison, Lahiff, Andrew, Grandi, Claudio, Cinquilli, Mattia, Gowdy, Stephen, Coarasa, Jose Antonio, Tiradani, Anthony, Ozga, Wojciech, Chaze, Olivier, Sgaravatto, Massimo, Bauer, Daniela
Publicado: 2014
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