
Opportunistic Resource Usage in CMS

CMS is using a tiered setup of dedicated computing resources provided by sites distributed over the world and organized in WLCG. These sites pledge resources to CMS and are preparing them especially for CMS to run the experiment's applications. But there are more resources available opportunist...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Kreuzer, Peter, Hufnagel, Dirk, Dykstra, D, Gutsche, O, Tadel, M, Sfiligoi, I, Letts, J, Wuerthwein, F, McCrea, A, Bockelman, B, Fajardo, E, Linares, L, Wagner, R, Konstantinov, P, Blumenfeld, B, Bradley, D
Publicado: 2014
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