
Contact Resistances in the Cold Bypass Diode Leads of the Main LHC Magnets

The main superconducting dipole and (de)focusing quadrupole magnets of the LHC are equipped with cold bypass diodes to assure the passage of the current outside the magnets in case of a magnet quench. Each magnet has a parallel bus bar circuit with a diode that is connected via resistive bolted conn...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Roger, V, Bajko, M, Petersen, K, D'Angelo, G, Dib, G, Giloux, C, Grand-Clement, L, Izquierdo Bermudez, S, Prin, H, Savary, F, Verweij, A, Willering, G
Publicado: 2014
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