
High-voltage pixel sensors for ATLAS upgrade

The high-voltage (HV-) CMOS pixel sensors offer several good properties: a fast charge collection by drift, the possibility to implement relatively complex CMOS in-pixel electronics and the compatibility with commercial processes. The sensor element is a deep n-well diode in a p-type substrate. The...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Perić, I, Kreidl, C, Fischer, P, Bompard, F, Breugnon, P, Clemens, J -C, Fougeron, D, Liu, J, Pangaud, P, Rozanov, A, Barbero, M, Feigl, S, Capeans, M, Ferrere, D, Pernegger, H, Ristic, B, Muenstermann, D, Gonzalez Sevilla, S, La Rosa, A, Miucci, A, Nessi, M, Iacobucci, G, Backhaus, M, Hügging, Fabian, Krüger, H, Hemperek, T, Obermann, T, Wermes, N, Garcia-Sciveres, M, Quadt, A, Weingarten, J, George, M, Grosse-Knetter, J, Rieger, J, Bates, R, Blue, A, Buttar, C, Hynds, D
Publicado: 2014
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