
11 T Twin-Aperture Nb$_3$Sn Dipole Development for LHC Upgrades

FNAL and CERN are developing a twin-aperture 11 T Nb$_{3}$Sn dipole suitable for installation in the LHC. This paper describes the design and parameters of the 11 T dipole developed at FNAL for the LHC upgrades in both single-aperture and twin-aperture configurations, and presents details of the con...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Zlobin, A V, Andreev, N, Apollinari, G, Auchmann, B, Barzi, E, Izquierdo Bermudez, S, Bossert, R, Buehler, M, Chlachidze, G, DiMarco, J, Karppinen, M, Nobrega, F, Novitski, I, Rossi, L, Smekens, D, Tartaglia, M, Turrioni, D, Velev, Genadi
Publicado: 2015
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